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Soda Tax Debates: Social Media Case Study


This case study includes content analysis of Berkeley’s 2014 social media campaign supporting an excise tax on sugary drinks.  Berkeley, California, made history in November 2014 when it passed the nation's first tax on sugary drinks, despite the beverage industry spending more than $2.4 million on an anti-tax campaign. Advocates and stakeholders in other communities can use this case study to strategize about using social media like Facebook and Twitter in their campaigns to pass sugary drink taxes, fight chronic diseases, and protect public health.

This case study is based on a broader study by John Snow, Inc. (JSI) and the Public Health Institute’s Berkeley Media Studies Group (PHI’s BMSG) to better understand the social media, campaign materials, and news coverage of the soda tax debates in Berkeley and San Francisco.


Soda Tax Debates: A Case Study of Berkeley vs. Big Soda's Social Media Campaign. Berkeley Media Studies Group, Public Health Institute 2016.