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Concept Note: The Global Health Supply Chain


This concept note provides an introduction to understanding global health supply chain management. Intended for students, health care service and supply providers, and managers, it covers the broad areas of manufacturing, procurement, and distribution. It explains how patient care and supply chains interface and affect operations and may be useful background reading for the Cases in Global Health Delivery Series.

Learning Objectives: To examine the global health supply chain and its importance in global health delivery.

The Global Health Delivery (GHD) Project, an interdisciplinary collaboration between Harvard Business School, Harvard Medical School, and Brigham and Women’s Hospital, investigates the management decisions behind disease treatment and prevention globally. The Global Health Delivery (GHD) Case Collection is a set of teaching case studies that are available for all at no cost online through Harvard Business Publishing, GHDonline, and The Case Centre.


Sullivan E et al. Concept Note: The Global Health Supply Chain. Global Health Delivery Project, Harvard Business Publishing 2012.