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Smudging in the Workplace


This case study describes a Native American purification ritual of substance burning, or “smudging,” in a cultural conflict of workplace ethics and health concerns. When an employee uses a smudging ritual to purify his office space following a hostile client encounter in an urban Indian center, health complaints related to the smoke lead to office conflicts about preserving Native American culture. The supervisor must create a process that will result in an equitable and respectful solution.

This case is one of several developed by the Enduring Legacies Native Cases Initiative at The Evergreen State College in Washington State. A number of the Initiative’s cases address health-related issues for Native American communities in the United States; each includes both the case narrative itself and a short Teaching Note with identified learning outcomes and suggested discussion questions.


Sawyer T. Does Smudging Belong in the Workplace? The Evergreen State College Native Cases Initiative 2014.