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Lancet Commission 2015: Primary Care in Cancer Control


This Lancet Commission report gives a detailed consideration of the evidence for cancer control provided in primary-care and community-care settings. The nature of cancer control is changing, with an increasing emphasis, fuelled by public and political demand, on prevention, early diagnosis, and patient experience during and after treatment. At the same time, primary care is increasingly promoted by governments and health funders worldwide as the preferred setting for most health care to meet demands of increasing need, stabilize health-care costs, and accommodate patient preference for care close to home. Thus, it is timely to consider how primary care can influence cancer control, which has long been dominated by highly technical interventions centered on treatment, and in which the contribution of primary care has been largely perceived as marginal. The commission calls for greater integration of care, underpinned by new research and by continuing and shared multiprofessional development.


Rubin G et al. The Expanding Role of Primary Care in Cancer Control. The Lancet Oncology 2015; 16: 1231–1272. DOI: