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World Report 2024


This annual report, published by Human Rights Watch (HRW), summarizes data about global human rights conditions and practices from more than 100 countries and territories worldwide. This year’s report, focusing on events from 2023, includes a keynote essay by HRW Executive Director Tirana Hassan. “The Human Rights System is Under Threat: A Call to Action” highlights the incredible threats to human rights and their protection worldwide in the face of widespread repression, selective government outrage, and transactional diplomacy in 2023– all of which resulted in significant costs for the human rights of peoples across the globe. To better address global challenges and threats, Hassan urges governments to realize their responsibilities in taking action against human rights crises within and beyond their borders and applying and upholding principles of international human rights law across every context. The essay details case examples of crises and wartime atrocities in Sudan,  Palestine, Ukraine, Ethiopia, and more.

The report is mainly dedicated to country-specific chapters that identify significant human rights abuses and survey the response of key international actors.

Human Rights Watch is a nongovernmental organization dedicated to protecting the human rights of people worldwide to prevent discrimination, uphold political freedom, protect people from inhumane conduct in wartime, and bring offenders to justice.


World Report 2024. Human Rights Watch 2024.