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European Institute for Gender Equality


The European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE) is an autonomous body of the European Union which promotes gender equality in all EU policies and the resulting national policies, fights against discrimination based on sex, and raises awareness of gender equality among EU citizens. It provides research and data to support informed, evidence-based decision-making by policymakers, and maintains an interactive Gender Equality Index, which assesses the impact of gender equality policies in the European Union and by Member States over time. The index is built around six core domains—work, money, knowledge, time, power, and health—and two satellite domains, violence against women and intersecting inequalities. Users can review and compare in-depth country statistics and trends, review specific national and regional policies in the selected domains, and explore an interactive map “dashboard” that signals whether a country is exceeding or falling short of the EU averages for each domain.

The European Institute for Gender Equality also maintains a comprehensive Gender Statistics Database, publishes research reports and other publications on gender equality in the EU, and offers robust resources about gender mainstreaming, gender-based violence, and other relevant topics.


European Institute for Gender Equality.