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GBD Global Analyses on Topics


The Global Burden of Disease (GBD) Study is a systematic effort to quantify, measure, and analyze mortality and morbidity due to major diseases, injuries, and health risk factors across populations worldwide. In addition to global reports that include all countries and sub-national analyses that focus on a single country, the GBD produces global analyses that focus on a single issue (e.g., specific disease, risk, or injury). This resource is a running list of GBD disease-specific analyses and is updated quarterly by GHELI.

Led by the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) at the University of Washington, GBD is a global effort with researchers from over 150 countries and territories. IHME and other partnering organizations have developed numerous resources to disseminate and visualize the findings of the GBD studies, data visualizations and interactives, country profiles, policy reports, research articles, infographics, and the GBD Results Tool, which allows users to search GBD data.

Other resources curated and maintained by GHELI include a GBD resource pack (containing articles, data portals, interactives and visualizations, and country profiles), and a running list of GBD regional and subnational analyses. 

Global Burden of Disease Study: Global Analyses on Topics Link to PDF


Global Burden of Disease Studies: Global Analyses on Topics. Global Health Education and Learning Incubator at Harvard University 2024.