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Indigenous Peoples' Food Systems: Insights on Sustainability and Resilience From the Front Line of Climate Change


This report from the Food and Agriculture Organization at the United Nations (FAO) acknowledges the contributions of Indigenous Peoples towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), advocating for these contributions and food systems be taken into consideration in ongoing conversations about sustainable food systems. The report highlights, in detail, eight case studies from indigenous food systems across the world which illustrate ways Indigeous Peoples' approaches can inform global sustainability, climate resilience, territorial management, food systems and intercultural education, amongst others. Though subject to globalization, trade, markets, and mass media like any other food system, Indigenous Peoples' food systems preserve biodiversity while simultaneously providing food, livelihoods, nutrition, and goods to the community.


Indigenous Peoples’ Food Systems: Insights on Sustainability and Resilience From the Front Line of Climate Change. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 2021.