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Protective Orders and Firearm Prohibitions


This data interactive from Disarm Domestic Violence explores and compares state policies concerning domestic violence protective orders and firearm prohibitions in the United States. Nearly half of the women killed in the United States are killed due to intimate partner violence, and half of these deaths are committed with firearms. These harrowing statistics underscore the importance of examining domestic violence restraining orders and firearm possession policies to address this critical public health issue. The data interactive allows users to explore the variance in each state’s firearm policies, including whether those subject to protective orders can purchase or possess firearms, the state’s judicial authority to remove firearms, and the type of firearm removal laws in place for those under domestic violence protective orders. Along with the map, Disarm Domestic Violence provides information on domestic violence and firearms at the federal level; state profiles examining specific state laws, ways to get protection, and statistics on domestic violence; and research on protection orders and firearm removal policies.


Protective Orders and Firearm Prohibitions. Disarm Domestic Violence.