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Maternal and Child Health in Uttar Pradesh, India: A Mother's Story


Set in India’s most populous state, Uttar Pradesh, this case explores the complexity of addressing maternal and child health and care delivery by looking at health-related behaviors and decision-making from the perspective of a mother. The case is intended to be used in conjunction with GHD-039 (Working as an ASHA to Improve Maternal and Child Health in Uttar Pradesh, India). The following two concept notes may be helpful for students discussing these cases, (1) Concept Note: Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn, and Child Health, and (2) Concept Note: Community Health Workers.

Learning Objectives: A productive class discussion will allow students to appreciate (1) the decisions facing frontline providers and their beneficiaries, and the numerous factors that influence their choices; (2) how households prioritize health among other needs; and (3) the complexity of aligning health programs with beneficiary needs, cultural context, household dynamics, and other factors to impact health behaviors and outcomes.

The Global Health Delivery (GHD) Project, an interdisciplinary collaboration between Harvard Business School, Harvard Medical School, and Brigham and Women’s Hospital, investigates the management decisions behind disease treatment and prevention globally. The Global Health Delivery (GHD) Case Collection is a set of teaching case studies that are available for all at no cost online through Harvard Business Publishing, GHDonline, and The Case Centre.


Donovan C et al. Maternal and Child Health in Uttar Pradesh, India: A Mother's Story. Global Health Delivery Project, Harvard Business Publishing 2018.