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Performance-Based Financing of Priority Health Services: Burundi Case Study


This case study describes the government of Burundi’s efforts to reduce maternal mortality and child malnutrition by introducing free health care for pregnant women and children under five. This policy led to spikes in service utilization for those groups, but also strained the already-lean health care system. This case explores the impacts on quality, productivity, and service utilization of a performance-based financing mechanism in health facilities.

This case is part of the World Health Organization’s collection of health financing policy resources, which includes case studies, reports, policy briefs, and other resources organized by topic. The resource portal also includes information on the WHO’s policy framework for health financing along with relevant World Health Assembly and regional resolutions and strategies, courses and trainings, diagnostics and guidance, and rich data resources including databases and country profiles.


Sibomana S et al. Improving Health System Efficiency: Burundi: Performance Based Financing of Priority Health Services. World Health Organization 2015.