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COVID-19 and the Coming Epidemic in U.S. Immigration Detention Centres


This article in The Lancet Infectious Diseases discusses challenges and consequences for individuals in United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) detention resulting from the spread of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) and inadequate access to medical care. The article calls on the US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to take action to address the moral and public health crisis of the individuals affected by the pandemic. Incarcerated individuals, including immigrants in ICE detention, are particularly vulnerable to infection and an outbreak of COVID-19 due to drivers and determinants of inequality that disproportionately affect them. The article urges a need for immediate infection prevention and control measures in immigration detention in order to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in the entire community and place additional burden on the health care system. The article also suggests routine screening and containment procedures for all individuals who enter facilities as well as a release of individuals in ICE detention and a halt in ICE enforcement in the community in order to conduct the most effective humanitarian and public health response.


Meyer JP et al. COVID-19 and the Coming Epidemic in US Immigration Detention Centres. The Lancet Infectious Diseases 2020; 20(6): 646-648. DOI: