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Action to Address the Household Economic Burden of Non-Communicable Diseases


This article from The Lancet examines the economic impact of noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) on individuals and households in low- and middle-income countries. The authors summarize research from 66 studies describing the direct out-of-pocket costs incurred by individuals due to NCDs and the impact on other economic indicators (e.g. job loss). Findings showed that uninsured individuals had between a two- and seven-times greater likelihood of experiencing catastrophic out-of-pocket costs depending on how catastrophic spending was defined as a proportion of total household income, highlighting the extent to which NCDs contribute to poverty globally. Furthermore, health insurance coverage in low- and middle-income countries is often incomplete, suggesting the need for broader health systems strengthening and an extension of financial protections for vulnerable populations. Ultimately the authors conclude that the implementation of universal health insurance plans—that include compulsory pre-payment via taxation or national insurance contributions—are a promising opportunity to address the financial toll of NCDs, particularly among the poor.

This article is third in a Lancet series of five papers on NCDs and economics that describes the extent to which socioeconomic factors drive trends in NCDs and the ways in which NCD control can result in improved economic growth.


Jan S et al. Action to Address the Household Economic Burden of Non-Communicable Diseases. The Lancet 2018. DOI: