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The Global Fund


The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria is an international partnership organization focused on ending the epidemics of AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria. The Global Fund strategically invests more than $4 billion each year to support programs in over 100 countries in partnership with local governments, civil society, technical agencies, the private sector, and groups of people affected by these diseases. It aims to build sustainable health systems across sectors to respond to diseases by first allowing countries to make their own major investment decisions for their communities and later providing oversight and approval for effective programs. The Global Fund prioritizes prevention, treatment, and care services and hopes to strengthen health systems, improve economies, and coordinate scientific innovation with the private sector.

The Global Fund provides an interactive data explorer showing locations, grants, results, and additional resources in places where it works; the data service portal offers downloadable data files and data sets related to grants and disbursements; the digital library includes photos, videos, and illustrations showing the impacts of the Global Fund-supported health programs across the world. The Global Fund also produces major publications related to its operations and results. The Global Fund maintains a news stories portal, feature stories, and updates about pressing issues in global health.    
