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WHO Global Health Expenditure Database


This interactive database, maintained by the World Health Organization (WHO), provides country-level data on health financing, health expenditures, demographics, economic conditions, and health. It draws data from publicly available reports, then adjusts and validates its estimates prior to publication. Data are derived from sources such as national health account reports; countries’ ministries of finance, central banks, and national statistics offices; public expenditure information; and international bodies like the World Bank Group and the International Monetary Fund. The “data explorer” allows users to build, chart, and export their own customized reports, selecting information from 275 health financing indicators and data; 192 countries; and 20 years. Pre-developed “quick reports” are also available. The global health expenditure database is the source for health expenditure tables in the World Health Statistics Report and the WHO’s Global Health Observatory.


Global Health Expenditure Database. World Health Organization.