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Teaching Pack: A Methods Sampler


This teaching pack features a collection of videos by Professor David Cutler, introducing basic concepts in epidemiology, economics and statistics, to support his undergraduate course, "EMR20: Why is there no cure for health care?" Concept sketches, prototypes, and videos were completed and produced during Cutler's collaborative residency at the Global Health Education and Learning Incubator.

Videos include:

Videos with overhead camera to leverage diagramming, concept sketches, visual design techniques, and multimodal design principles were employed for three methodological concepts.

  • Module 1 prototypes focused on basic epidemiological concepts and the dynamics of an epidemic.
  • Module 2 prototypes focused on the economics of pharmaceuticals, pricing, and both static and dynamic cases. 
  • Module 3 prototypes focused on statistical analysis, specifically regression, and understanding the relationship between 2 variables, the assessment of its importance, correlation vs causation.

GHELI faculty collaborator for Cutler's residency was Sue J. Goldie and GHELI video producer was Camilla Finley. GHELI collaborates with faculty to design, develop and pilot pedagogically effective multimedia that can be integrated into the instructional architecture of a class.


Teaching Pack: A Methods Sampler. Global Health Education and Learning Incubator at Harvard University 2018.