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How Juul Made Nicotine Go Viral


This video from Vox analyzes how Juul—a specific brand of an e-cigarette—made using nicotine ubiquitous in a way that no e-cigarette has been able to do, using a sleek and discrete design, which makes it appealing to youth. In this video, youth admit that they trust this e-cigarette, which looks more like a gadget than a drug delivery device, because of its modern look. The video also reveals that while typical e-cigarettes have 6-30 milligrams of nicotine per milliliter of vape liquid, Juuls packs in 59 milligrams, which has made it susceptible for lawsuits and questioning by the U.S. government. There is still little known about long-term health impacts of e-cigarettes, and there is rising concern among public health experts.


How Juul Made Nicotine Go Viral. Vox 2018; Aug 10.