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Center for Collegiate Mental Health 2023 Annual Report


This report from the Center for Collegiate Mental Health (CCMH) presents descriptive data on various domains of mental health and factors related to treatment and care for college students in the United States. The data included in this report was gathered from 195 colleges and universities across the U.S., describing 185,114 de-identified college students seeking mental health treatment. The report examines trends among students seeking mental health services, including prior treatment and “threat-to-self" characteristics, along with trends in various mental health indicators, including depression, anxiety, family distress, and substance use. The report also includes data on appointment statistics, including utilization of mental health services and types of services. 

The 2023 report also explores how experiences of discrimination are associated with mental health concerns at college counseling centers, analyzing how discrimination due to race/ethnicity, disability, gender, nationality, religion, or sexuality impact mental health. 


Center for Collegiate Mental Health 2023 Annual Report. Center for Collegiate Mental Health 2024.