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Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health in the United States


This fact sheet from the Guttmacher Institute provides information on adolescent sexual and reproductive health in the United States based on available data from nationally representative surveys. The fact sheet covers topics of sexual development, sexual intercourse, contraceptive use, access to services, contraceptive services, prevention and treatment of HIV and other STIs, and sexual health information and education. For each topic, the sheet includes demographic information, trends over time, and general information. Figures with data on select indicators accompany the fact sheet and show nationwide data on sexual intercourse among young people in the U.S., state laws on minors’ access to contraceptives, and sex education. The fact sheet emphasizes the importance of ensuring access to reproductive health care services for young people and providing an accurate, comprehensive, inclusive education to support their healthy sexual development and well-being.


Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health in the United States. Guttmacher Institute 2019.