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Video Scenario: Translating Lessons From Virtual Teaching


Consider this scenario: While teaching online, you took full advantage of the Zoom chat, which provided an avenue for students to contribute to the class discussion beyond unmuting themselves. While in-person teaching means more opportunities for informal or impromptu conversations in class, it may also result in a return to only one way for students to contribute to discussion—by speaking up. How could you build in alternative avenues for discussion from remote teaching into your in-person class?

In this video, Bok Pedagogy Fellow Elizabeth Hentschel and Sr. Instructional Designer Nina Bhattacharya highlight a few of their favorite ways to bring lessons learned from virtual teaching into the brick-and-mortar classroom.

Explore other classroom scenarios in our teaching pack, Why Discussions Fall Flat, alongside other resources for leading a dynamic discussion.

The Global Health Education and Learning Incubator at Harvard University supports interdisciplinary education about world health through the production, curation, and dissemination of educational public goods.


Video Scenario: Translating Lessons From Virtual Teaching. Global Health Education and Learning Incubator at Harvard University 2023.