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World Health Assembly on WHO Reform


This simulation illustrates the challenges of achieving equitable global governance. Using the backdrop of the World Health Organization (WHO) resolution negotiation, the World Health Assembly on World Health Organization Reform simulation focuses on the negotiation of two resolutions relating to the WHO financing reform and the policy for engagement with non-state actors (“NSA policy”). Participants are responsible for developing proposals for these two issues. Formal negotiations take place in the classroom, and informal negotiations are held outside of the classroom. Ultimately the goal of this exercise is to facilitate students’ understanding of more theoretical topics, such as how power operates through global governance’s tools and mechanisms that have become even more complex as our world grows increasingly interdependent. How does this changing global governance environment affect our ability to address global health challenges?

World Health Assembly on WHO Reform - Simulation Link to PDF

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Gordon R, Moon S. World Health Assembly on World Health Organization (WHO) Reform. Global Health Education and Learning Incubator at Harvard University, Harvard University 2014.