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Concept Note: HIV Prevention


This concept note reviews the epidemiology, history and challenge of HIV prevention. The note outlines the means for preventing sexual transmission of HIV, transmission through blood exposure, and mother-to-child transmission as well as potential benefits of pre-exposure prophylaxis. It discusses strategies for implementing HIV prevention programs and the outlook for future programs.

Learning Objectives: To aid students in fully understanding the HIV prevention landscape and concepts in the Cases in Global Health Delivery.

The Global Health Delivery (GHD) Project, an interdisciplinary collaboration between Harvard Business School, Harvard Medical School, and Brigham and Women’s Hospital, investigates the management decisions behind disease treatment and prevention globally. The Global Health Delivery (GHD) Case Collection is a set of teaching case studies that are available for all at no cost online through Harvard Business Publishing, GHDonline, and The Case Centre.


Arnquist S et al. Concept Note: HIV Prevention. Global Health Delivery Project, Harvard Business Publishing 2012.