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Should Tribes Legalize Marijuana?


This case study focuses on the question of whether Native American tribes should legalize marijuana, through an exploration of the health and economic implications of legalization. The case begins by describing the history of marijuana, what is known about its impact, and the changing policies at the state and federal levels. It then discusses the various ways tribes are exploring the “opportunity,” the ways they might become involved in the marijuana business, and the pros and cons of various forms of tribal involvement.

This case is one of several developed by the Enduring Legacies Native Cases Initiative at The Evergreen State College in Washington State. A number of the Initiative’s cases address health-related issues for Native American communities in the United States; each includes both the case narrative itself and a short Teaching Note with identified learning outcomes and suggested discussion questions.


Seachord A, Smith BL. Should Tribes Legalize Marijuana? The Evergreen State College Native Cases Initiative 2016.