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Forum on Investing in Young Children Globally


This publication from the National Academies Press (NAP) summarizes key themes from a series of workshops on investing in young children; catalyzing opportunities for cross-sector coordination at local, national and global levels; and exploring the importance of an integrated science of child health and development. The workshop explored how to ensure an “all system” approach that integrates programs and coordinates policies across child health priorities, including stunting and undernutrition, disease, caregiver depression, lack of access to quality preprimary and primary education, disabilities, poverty, and societal and familial violence. Ultimately, positive physical, intellectual, emotional, and social development of children is likely dependent on healthy biology as well as family support, nurturance from a community, and adequate resources. The report emphasizes that focusing on young children globally is imperative to improving the welfare of both people and nations.


Alexander C, Bogard K. Forum on Investing in Young Children Globally: A Synthesis of Nine Global Workshops Exploring Evidence-Based, Strategic Investments in Young Children. The National Academies Press 2017. DOI: