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Global Sustainable Development Report 2023


This report published by the United Nations focuses on what is required to accelerate progress toward the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as part of the global 2030 Agenda. The 2023 report examines key transformations needed across various sectors, including human wellbeing, sustainable economies, food systems, and urban development to achieve the SDGs, offering case examples and interventions to illustrate how to achieve progress on global goals. The report provides a framework for facilitating change and science-based transformations across sectors, drawing from historical examples and best approaches. 

Chapters include: 

  • Chapter 1: Half-way to 2030 – Progress Toward the Sustainable Development Goals 
  • Chapter 2: Framing the Future 
  • Chapter 3: Pathways to Achieve the Sustainable Development Goals 
  • Chapter 4: Accelerating Transformations to the Sustainable Development Goals 
  • Chapter 5: Transformations Through Science– and in Science
  • Chapter 6: Calls to Action for Transformations

The report is accompanied by a summary video


Global Sustainable Development Report 2023: Times of Crisis, Times of Change: Science for Accelerating Transformations to Sustainable Development. United Nations 2023.