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The Changing Demographics of Global Health


This data interactive by the Council on Foreign Relations illustrates the rise in non-communicable diseases (NCDs) due to rapid population growth and aging and the impact on low-income countries worldwide. The data explores how death and disability from NCDs, such as cancer, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes, is increasing at a faster rate in low-income countries. It highlights the key factors driving the growing burden of NCDs– dramatic demographic changes accelerating the shift from infectious, nutritional, or neonatal diseases to non-communicable diseases that affect more working-age adults. The data explores how the health burden from NCDs in 1990 compares to the projected burden in 2040, and analyzes the health system preparedness of countries to address the increased burden of NCDs, finding that many lack the infrastructure or capacity to address the expected burden. The data further highlights the need for health planning and policies to build better-equipped healthcare systems to respond to the pace and scale of the global rise in non-communicable diseases.


The Changing Demographics of Global Health. Council on Foreign Relations 2017.