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Motherhood in Childhood: The Untold Story


This report from the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) analyzes trends in adolescent childbearing in low-and middle-income countries worldwide. Nearly one-third of all women in developing countries become mothers during adolescence, and almost half of first births occur in girls younger than 17 years old. The report finds that adolescent childbearing consists of three fundamental processes: (1) the timing of a first adolescent birth, (2) the spacing between adolescent births, and (3) the quantity or number of repeat births to each adolescent mother. Using these measures, the report presents findings on patterns in adolescent childbearing and the prevalence of motherhood in childhood, highlighting factors such as the age of sexual debut, patterns of marriage or formed unions, contraceptive use, and girls’ education.

The report discusses regional trends, provides country-specific highlights on adolescent and child mothers, and considers the broad range of global norms, values, and forces that shape adolescent fertility. The report offers policymaker recommendations to address adolescent pregnancy and outcomes, including comprehensive sexuality education, quality health services provision, and social protection programs that prioritize the needs of adolescent girls worldwide. The report is accompanied by an executive summary and supplementary material.


Motherhood in Childhood: The Untold Story. United Nations Population Fund 2022.