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The Public–Private Pendulum—Patient Choice and Equity in Sweden


This article examines the Swedish health care system and potential for change by the country's new government. The Swedish system has been decentralized, with county councils owning and operating most hospitals and primary care facilities. Although it will be difficult to reverse reforms, the center-left national government that was elected in September 2014 may find popular support for halting the privatization of care. The new government has made early promises to propose a new stop law preventing the contracting out of the operation of hospitals responsible for tertiary care, to reverse the law mandating freedom of establishment for private primary care providers, to create a committee focused on equity in health, and to launch an investigation regarding regulation of for-profit health care providers.


Anell A. The Public–Private Pendulum—Patient Choice and Equity in Sweden. The New England Journal of Medicine 2015; 372: 1-4. DOI: