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Global Abortion Country Profiles


These country profiles from the Guttmacher Institute present estimates and trends in unintended pregnancy and abortion between 1990 to 2019 for 150 countries and territories worldwide. Individual profiles include country data on unintended pregnancy and abortion rates over time and pregnancy outcomes from 2015 to 2019. The profiles also present the unmet need for essential sexual and reproductive health services in each country, such as contraceptive use and gaps in the use of maternal and newborn healthcare. Users can explore data by subgroup, viewing how marital status, age, or living in rural vs. urban areas impacts the need and use of sexual and reproductive health services. Each profile also estimates the costs of investing in contraception, maternal and newborn care, and abortion-related services to meet the needs of women; and illustrates the potential impact on health outcomes, such as unintended pregnancies, unsafe abortions, and maternal deaths. Users can explore these estimates for each country and view data and resources for global regions.


Global Abortion Country Profiles. Guttmacher Institute 2022.